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Thank you for your interest in the Physician Compensation Negotiation Playbook. Please complete this short survey to let us know what you think. Your feedback is instrumental in helping to shape future versions of this and other educational resources being developed as part of IDSA’s Physician Compensation Initiative.
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Data for Negotiations
Data for Negotiations
3. Survey and Report Data Survey data is beneficial documentation for negotiations and enables a physician to increase compensation relative to comparable market data. To assist with negotiations, tables 2 through 9 illustrate the variability of compensation based on different employment, practice type, experience, academic level and geographic characteristics of an ID physician. Also included are traditional benchmarks for compensation and production based on data from the most recent (2023) MGMA multispeciality report and ECG and AMGA multispecialty surveys.
TABLE 2: Compensation by Practice Size
TABLE 3: Compensation by Number of Facilities Covered
TABLE 4: Compensation by ID Subspecialization
TABLE 5: Compensation by Years of Experience
TABLE 6: Compensation by Academic Rank
TABLE 7: Compensation by Geographic Region
TABLE 8: Compensation by Employment Setting
TABLE 9: Other Benchmarks (wRVUs, Professional Collections, Compensation per wRVU, Compensation to Collections and Collections per wRVU)