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Data for Negotiations
Data for Negotiations
For successful negotiations, physicians will need to understand the market data and how their current compensation compares to it to determine effort that is not currently compensated and is common within the market or effort that is undercompensated. The uncompensated or undercompensated effort can be negotiated to increase overall compensation. Furthermore, having valid data to support claims for an increase in compensation is a best practice and proven to be successful for other ID physicians. To be successful, specific data that supports the request should be the focus during a meeting with hospital administration or department leadership.
A. IDSA SURVEY AND NATIONAL DATA AND FINDINGS 1. Physician Effort As shown in figure 9, the market standard for a full-time physician’s clinical effort ranges from 2,000 to 2,200 annual hours, while ID physicians work more than 2,400 hours annually on average, which is about 30% more than non-ID specialties. For health system-employed and private practice ID physicians, this is caused by the clinical deployment being above 2,000 annual hours with nonclinical activities that are incremental to the clinical load. Also, for those who are employed by an AMC, nonclinical responsibilities have grown so much that physicians are working more than 2,000 annual hours even with their lower annual clinical hours.
FIGURE 9: Annual Hours Worked (ID Physicians)