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Thank you for your interest in the Physician Compensation Negotiation Playbook. Please complete this short survey to let us know what you think. Your feedback is instrumental in helping to shape future versions of this and other educational resources being developed as part of IDSA’s Physician Compensation Initiative.
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ID Physician FTE
ID Physician FTE
F. CONCLUSION Defining a 1.0 FTE and understanding how your contributions compare to that definition are foundational for realizing an appropriate level of compensation or recognition, especially when job responsibilities change.
Step One: Establish the definition of a 1.0 FTE ID physician in your organization.
Step Two: Track your individual contributions (effort) compared to that definition of a 1.0 FTE ID physician.
Step Three: Negotiate for a level of compensation and/or time recognition that aligns with your contributions (effort).
Step Four: Repeat this process periodically so that changes in effort can be recognized.
The remaining sections of this document guide ID physicians in how they can be compensated for various activities (see section III) and negotiate for a change in how they are compensated and/or recognized at their organizations (see section IV).