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Background and Playbook Overview
Background and Playbook Overview
A. BACKGROUND Infectious diseases physicians play a vital role in preventing and treating some of the most critical public health crises of our time and continue to serve the community, even as the profession is consistently undervalued relative to many other clinical subspecialties. This playbook is designed to address this issue by providing educational materials to enable greater self-advocacy for compensation that appropriately reflects the full spectrum of clinical and nonclinical work ID physicians provide. Much of this work extends far beyond what can be definitively measured through relative value units. See section III.B for the definition of RVUs. 
The Compensation Negotiation Playbook is one of several resources developed as part of IDSA’s Compensation Initiative, designed to improve ID physician compensation as a key component of IDSA’s Strategic Plan.
B. PLAYBOOK OVERVIEW This playbook outlines the general approaches, strategies and materials that have helped ID physicians and other physicians during compensation negotiations and will educate users on the appropriate applications for each. It provides easy-to-navigate links to the different sections of the playbook and brief descriptions of how each component may be helpful in a compensation negotiation.  This playbook was developed under the leadership of IDSA’s Compensation Task Force in partnership with ECG Management Consultants.  To develop the playbook, IDSA and ECG undertook an intensive data-gathering process to better understand the current ID compensation landscape and determine the root causes of the consistent undervaluation of the profession. The following ID compensation survey data-based hypotheses have been developed to inform the Compensation Negotiation Playbook:  • We believe the value of ID physicians extends beyond their personally performed wRVUs; 
We believe the standard full-time equivalent buildup understates the full clinical and nonclinical work of ID physicians.
The playbook was designed to assist ID physicians across a variety of practice types to identify ways in which their clinical and nonclinical work may be undervalued and to ensure they are recognized for the work they do.